Introducing the new Essential Grains Manja White teff, which has higher purity and greater whiteness than the standard Ivory Teff.

While the Ivory and brown teff is great for Injera (the famous Ethiopian sourdough flatbread) the Essential Grains Manja white teff allows for more options in gluten free and other cooking where extra whiteness is desirable. Please contact us for more information and pricing.

Read more on our teff!






2018 Season Chia

We haven’t been idle in these last few months here at TradeLink, its a busy time of year for us but we’re 100% focused on doing what we are best at and just love doing. Feet on the ground, dirty boots and that nice fresh farm air!

Working on the 2018 supply of chia we have done a series of improvements which place us as yet again a very reliable source of product out of a very difficult region to buy in.

Here’s what we’re doing;

Visiting and selecting the best farms. Location is key to good organic product so we put this as priority, things like certifications, planting methods, crop history, weed control among other things are what we look at. We have identified 5000hs of land that will be supplying the 2,500tns of product we forecast this year.

Auditing the processing plants. The final purity is based on just how good the processing plant is. There are so many substandard processing plants around the world, some of them even certified with GFSI and BRC but just lacking the technology to get out a good pure chia. We have audited 15 different processing plants and selected 2 of them so far, with more audits still being conducted.

Contracts. We are now setting up final contracts with our clients. The big advancement this year is offering farm cleaned product at 93% pure for those who have processing plants and wish to process the product themselves.
The alternatives we are offering are:
• Black or White Chia
• Processed or farm cleaned
• Organic or Conventional
• EU, ISTA and USDA/NOP standards
• 25kg and 1000kg packaging.

Quality Assurance. The one and only reason we are based in South America and have our feet on the ground (apart from loving it!) is to guarantee the quality of the product we offer. Here’s what we are doing in quality assurance;
• Soil analysis with the organic certifiers and SENASA.
• Crop monitoring. We have different associates keeping an eye on the crops and ensuring that our product is legitimately grown.
• Analysis prior to processing. We will know what standard of chia we will have prior to processing.
• Post processing analysis to check purity and micros.
• Loading inspections and sampling in view of compiling a complete loading report. (also done for farm cleaned product)
• Complete certificate of analysis and pesticides screening.

weekly updates

We’re not the most reliable supply of chia out of South America for nothing, there’s a lot of work going on to back up our promises and commitments!

Contact us in these coming weeks if you’d like to set up a contract with us and we’re always open to one off purchases!




Quinoa Flakes!

Just in case we’ve never told you, we have a great supply of Quinoa Flakes direct from origin!

With quinoa now fully established as a vital part of healthy ingredients there’s always ways to improve your supply, and it’s a market in which a good quality, reliable and trustworthy supply means everything!

Quinoa flakes are being used in everything! Granola bars, cereal mixes, muffins, pancakes, scones and hot breakfast cereals amongst many others.and manufacturing.

See more here – Quinoa!


TradeLink has over 20 years experience with frozen fruit and vegetables including shipping, storage, distribution and manufacturing.

We have a large range that include Conventional, Organic Certified, Own Brand / Packaging on spec, Purees & Pulps.

We can also offer own brand packaging! Don’t miss out on our complete range of IQF products direct from origen, also the great option of organizing mixed container loads to make ordering easier!


Organic White Long Grain Rice from Vietnam normally carries a high premium because of its quality, but TradeLink

have moved to help bring volume of scale to the market making it competitive with less favourable regions and prices. We have been working with this supply chain for over 10 years and have only recently finalised the organic rice project.

The product is free from antibiotic, insecticide and herbicide residues and chemical fertilizer and TradeLink International works with quality assurance certifiers such as Control Union to check each container load as it is loaded.

We are thrilled to announce the recent opening of an Australian office for sourcing and sales located in Melbourne! Harvey Steele is the manager on that side of the world, we are proud to integrate him in the team. Listen out for the different advances we plan to make here!


Freekeh (pronounced “free-ka”) is a delicious cereal food made from green durum wheat harvested at its peak of taste and nutrition. Popular throughout the Middle East for centuries, Freekeh gets its name from the fire-roasting process that gives it its delightful nutty taste and satisfying crunch.

Because the wheat is harvested while it`s still green, Freekeh contains more protein, vitamins, and minerals than other grains. It is low GI, low in available carbohydrates, high in dietary fibre (up to four times the fibre of brown rice) and rich in prebiotic properties. In addition to this, green wheat Freekeh is 100% natural – no preservatives, additives or pesticides are ever used.

As Freekeh is the name of this unique cereal (not the name of a grain variety), experiments are underway to produce Freekeh from a number of different grains such as oats, barley and triticale. sourcing and sales located in Melbourne! Harvey Steele is the manager on that side of the world, we are proud to integrate him in the team. Listen out for the different advances we plan to make here! See specifications here!

Check out these first chia plants coming out in the Galpón area south ofUpdate Emails_lr
Salta city, Argentina, taken last week. Looks like this year is going to be
a decent crop, with more conventional than organic like usual.

Furthur north the crop is a little slower, but still coming on good. Stay
connected with us to keep up to date.

In about 30 days we hope to have an idea of pricing in the market, contact us today with your volumes and we’ll work on getting you the best price possible with contracts of up to 12 months so you are covered by the most reliable supply of chia for this season!

Tradelink is deeply involved from crop planning along with rigid quality control, logistics and exportation. We also have the flexibility to work as a Third Party Trader and purchase on behalf of companies wanting full quality control in the region, at times even from their existing supply lines. Chia is our speciality and our concern is that the integrity of the product is maintained by all parties involved in this wonderful crop.
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Brazil Nuts are native to South America and are found in the Amazon rain forest. Our suppliers (local cooperatives) collect Brazil Nuts within the Amazon region of Beni and Pando during the period known as harvest, which begins in the month of November of each year and lasts approximately 8 months.

Brazil nuts are rich and creamy, and are considered among the most delicious superfoods. They are high in protein, healthy fats, and selenium,a mineral with many benefits.

Click here to see specifications! Brazil Nuts



Anuga Food Fair 2017

October gave us the opportunity to meet a lot of great companies at Germanys Anuga Food Fair!! With more than 7,400 companies from 107 countries, Anuga presented products from all over the world and all categories.

Over the course of 3 fully-packed trade fair days, we’ve managed to have many encounters with growers and customers, which we will work alongside to keep growing our customer/supplier database.

You couldn’t go far without seeing something about Argentina – we had stands in every hall, every visitor had our country’s name on their visitor tags – Argentina was certainly the buzz word at Anuga!

Undoubtable the innovations, which as always were a key focus of Anuga, contributed towards providing the industry with new impulses and ideas. These trend themes included food and beverages on the theme “Superfoods”.

Record fair closes on an excellent result: This year there were round 165,000 trade visitors from 198 countries. This is fairly incredible, considering the first Anuga Fair was held in August 1924, attracting 340 exhibitors and around 40,000 visitors.

We certainly look forward to the next Anuga Fair in October 2019.

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