Argentine Chia Harvested

The cultivation of chia seeds has been exhibiting an increasing trend around the world, and projected to grow at a significant rate of 8.86% from 2019 to 2024 to reach a market value of USD 450 million by the end of 2024. The use of chia seeds in various food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products is growing globally, and has increased demand for chia seeds growers and helping the entry of new market players.

Organic production in Argentina is becoming increasingly important to international markets, and has the highest levels of quality, equivalent to those of the European Union, Japan and Switzerland. It currently has 3.2 million hectares certified, and ranks second in the world ranking. In the first quarter of the year, we could see a 10% increase in the volume of Argentine exports (of agricultural products) to the United States alone.

The cultivation of chia in Argentina begins in 1991 in the province of Salta. Our producers, Rodriguez Nochetti, grow more than 4,000 acres of organic farmland in Argentina and have been in agriculture for four generations. Harvest has been completed, and its a great time to close your contracts. Demand has dropped and prices are stable, however an increase is foreseen for the end of the season. You can see some photos and videos below! We would love to hear from you at if you would like more information!

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