The 2019 chia season is about to begin.

Are you working with the world’s most reliable supplier of chia?

Tradelink International is the bridge between your company and our extensive network of vetted, reliable chia seed growers across South America. Our experienced team of New Zealand expats have their boots on the ground, inspecting crops in the fields, ensuring quality in the processing plants, and offering testing for our product right through the process to the point your containers are sealed and shipped to you. All critical points of control are carefully audited.

We offer a wide variety of chia products in both organic and conventional, including White Chia Seed, Black Chia Seed, Milled Chia, Chia Seed Flour, De-fatted Chia Seed Flour and Chia Seed Oil.

Express your interest below to have a Tradelink representative get in contact with you. Our qualified team will ensure your chia purchasing in 2019 is a straightforward experience, with our industry best quality control processes and direct communication. Don’t waste your time being frustrated with language barriers, quality issues and geographic hurdles – discover the smarter way of importing from South America today with Tradelink.

A look into the chia seed production process:



Chia plants growing in soil


The chia plant grows…




Chia plants almost ready for harvest


[column-half-2]3 months later, the crop is almost ready to harvest.




Chia loaded into trucks to be taken to one of our processing facilities



The harvested chia seed is trucked away to be processed in one of our approved facilities, where it will be passed through multiple vibration tables, colour sorters and metal detectors. After this it is packed according to our specifications and readied for shipping.




Vibration table sorting for chia seed






Chia loaded onto pallets in preparation for shipping






Tradelink representatives sampling the packed product


[column-half-2]At the point of loading into the container for shipping to you, Tradelink representatives are on site taking samples of the exact product you are receiving, which canĀ  be tested at your preferred laboratory for definitive confirmation of quality.




Email updates from Tradelink keep you updated as to the status of your order


[column-half-2]While the packed chia is en route to you, our team keeps you updated on its progress via weekly emails.



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Tradelink is eager to work with you. Get in touch with us via our website, email, LinkedIn or phone today.