Introducing Argentine Honey!


We are delighted to introduce our new range of Argentine Honey! Argentina is one of the world’s major agricultural producers of honey. Our two Argentine Honeys, the light and extra light amber are both delicious honeys produced on the wide flat plains of Argentina where bees frolic in large Sunflower fields, surrounded in the Eucalyptus tree wind barriers. The bees also visit here to produce our extra light amber honey, which is also partly from Sunflower seeds.

Honey laundering is a serious concern with imported honey, many scandals have flooded the market with cheap honey that turns out to be a mix of honey and syrups. We only operate with farms who have the True Source or similar programs in place. Our Honey is exported by the processor direct to your door, avoiding any intermediaries where origins could be hidden. The apiculturists provide maintenance for their hives throughout the year in order to assure the quality and quantity of honey. (pest prevention, health of the hive, etc.)

The light amber honey is a polyflora honey where bees visit flowers growing along the lazy banks of the Parana river in the Entre Rios province.
Our honeys are single origin honeys, with certified traceability and HACCP certified processing facilities.

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